This is a blog about our journey of adoption from the beginning;
typed by me, written by God.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A homecoming and A birthday!

The hubby went to Las Vegas over the past 3 days for a manager conference/awards dinner/company trip. And unfortunately, I didn't get to go  :-(   But, this is the second year he has gone and this year was so much easier than last year! I wasn't anxious near as much; I had fun having the house and bed to myself for 2 nights  ;-)  It was quiet around the house, but had fun with my puppies! Last year, he told the oldest one (& most protective one), Kaylee, to "take care of her" -  She did! She was practically attached to my shin everywhere I went. She would sit right next to me when I made dinner or anything in the kitchen. She took him very literally  ;-)   This year, he told them all the same thing and they were protective of me, but Kaylee didn't take him literally as much this year - thank goodness! They still watched out for me and made sure I knew when people were walking or driving down the street.
I picked him up from the airport this afternoon and when we came home, the dogs were soooo excited. Our dogs love their daddy so much! This is what they did when they came inside to see that he came home:

They are so much fun!!! We are all glad to have him home again. Thank goodness this trip is only once a year!  haha

Today was also my Great-Aunt's birthday! It was bitter-sweet for her as her husband passed away suddenly about 6 weeks ago and this was her first celebration without him. We took her out to dinner and Caleb was able to come too! Yesterday, when I took her out to run some errands, she told me that she wanted some new frames for her glasses soon - as she has had hers for 20+ years now. So, for her birthday we bought her some new frames:

They say Happy Birthday across the top right under the candles. Haha!  She loved them and said she had a great day; that was nice to hear!!  :-)

On another note, we have finished our homestudies, fingerprinting, and paperwork. Waiting on the fingerprints to come back and then waiting on a birth mother. In the meantime, we are praying and loving the time we have together. We are still selling our adoption t-shirts to raise money for our Adoption Fund.

Well, that's all for now. Good night!!

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