This is a blog about our journey of adoption from the beginning;
typed by me, written by God.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rummage Sale!

(Poster designed by my mom!)

We are having a Rummage Sale for our Adoption Fund. It will be on Saturday, June 30th, so if you are in the area, please stop by! We have LOTS of clothes, shoes, 4 TVs, awesome baked goods and lots more!! ALL the proceeds go to our Adoption Fund so it's a great cause!! Please let everyone you know, know about it!!  :-) 
Thanks so much!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Worked super hard to get to my next level in Leadership with Avon and.....

I DID IT!!!  I get some bonus money from Avon for moving up as well as making more money overall! I'm so excited and the hubby is proud of me.

VBS is going on this week and it has been so fun (and tiring)!! Spent a lot of time the last few weeks ordering prizes, decorations and figuring out how I was gonna teach. This was my first year teaching and it has been great   :-)   My classroom is the Ancient Laboratory and we are learning about Obeying with the 5th commandment.

Here are some pictures of our classroom (big thanks to my sister, Kristi Krohn; as well as my teacher helper, Kristi Bailey!!):

Our backdrop
(Outlined, then colored with chalk)

Walking into our Laboratory

Books on the walls and our "Lab Coats" hanging
up by the table

Most of the Laboratory

Our Bookshelf and "window"

Our Memory Verse puzzle (that took me awhile;
but the kids love it, so it's worth it!)

Our Rules of the Lab, puzzle and commandment

Tomorrow is the last day of VBS and it has been a blast teaching!! The last 2 years I was a teacher assistant, so it was great to be able to be the teacher this year (with Kristi Bailey as my assistant!)!!

On another note, I'm almost done with our Birthmom profile/scrapbook. I will post it as soon as it's done!!  :-)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Birthday Weekend!

So, very adventurous weekend  haha.
The hubby and I headed up to Albuquerque to get a "new" engine for his Volvo station wagon. It's been dead for over a year now.
On the way, we took a detour through Bosque Del Apache. We pulled over to look at some pretty yellow daisies, and:

 He picked me flowers! Isn't he sweet  :-)

Then, we got to Albuquerque and went to a u-pull junkyard to get an engine cheaper than elsewhere. Spent most of the day Saturday in the hot sun finding all the volvos we could and which engine was still in the best shape. Found the one we wanted and spent about 4 hours getting the engine out of the car. Those volvo makers really like their wires and twisting them ALL around the engine!! It was a hard day, but we got it out and loaded in the truck. That night we got Chinese food from Panda Express (LOVE that place!!) and watched part of a movie on tv. We went to bed at like 9:30 which is early for us! We were so worn out. Got up Sunday and made our way to Santa Fe. Thought about going through the Plaza but all the historic places including most of the shops around the plaza were closed. Oh well, we had fun driving at least. Headed back to Albuquerque and went to the Aquarium. That was fun!

 My favorite: bottlenose dolphins!!

That was a lot of fun! I love oceans and sea-life. We spent a few hours there and then headed south to Ruidoso. We were gonna go from Carrizozo to Ruidoso through Hwy 37 but it was a little blocked:
The smoke from the Little Bear Fire could be seen miles away. It's beautiful and tragic at the same time. I feel bad for the people that have lost homes. The smoke made beautiful pictures:

These are the sun through the smoke. On the bottom left of some of the pics you can see blue - that's the sky, the rest is smoke!

We had dinner in Ruidoso for my bday and stayed the night there. Monday morning, we went to Cloudcroft and stopped by the Railroad Trestle that they've helped refurbish. We both love railroads and the history behind it so it was fun to see. They have some info now and you can look out over a ledge at the Trestle:

Beautiful Trestle!

Part of an old Trestle

We got home Monday and I walked into our house to find this: 
and this:

My brother and mom are so sneaky  ;-)  They came over to feed our pups that morning and decorated the house as well  :)

Well, it was a tiring but fun weekend! Not much more to report on the adoption front. We are still waiting for a birthmother and in the meantime, we are just trying to raise money for the Adoption Fund. Sorry if I'm bugging you all with different fundraisers, I just want to have a variety of options about how you can help us if you'd like to. Thanks so much for all your help!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scentsy Fundraiser

We have started another Adoption Fundraiser. My awesome friend, Kristin Birge, is a Scentsy rep and she is donating 25% of the sales of our Scentsy party to our Fund!!!  :-)  If you're interested, I am having a small party tomorrow (Friday, 6/8) at 3pm (text, email, or call me for the address) and I'll be showing off a bunch of samples as well as some different scents like Sunkist Citrus and Pomegranate  :)   Please let me know if you'd like to come. It will probably be going on for a couple hours. We will have some food and drinks available too! Join us for the fun!
If you can't make the party (or are out of town), go to: and click on the Hurley Family Fundraiser to shop online! (If you're in the area and want to save on shipping, email or text me your order and I will deliver it to ya!)

We are trying to have different kinds of fundraisers so that everyone can participate how they'd like to  :)

Thanks again for supporting our Adoption!

On another note, the hubby and I are heading out of town for the weekend. FINALLY getting an engine for our poor Volvo station wagon that's been dead for a little over a year! Plus, he's taking me to a movie and dinner for my birthday monday!!  :)  Very excited to get out of town for a mini vacation! Special thanks to my brother for helping us out and watching our pups while we are gone!!

Well, I'll probably post more next week...