This is a blog about our journey of adoption from the beginning;
typed by me, written by God.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Worked super hard to get to my next level in Leadership with Avon and.....

I DID IT!!!  I get some bonus money from Avon for moving up as well as making more money overall! I'm so excited and the hubby is proud of me.

VBS is going on this week and it has been so fun (and tiring)!! Spent a lot of time the last few weeks ordering prizes, decorations and figuring out how I was gonna teach. This was my first year teaching and it has been great   :-)   My classroom is the Ancient Laboratory and we are learning about Obeying with the 5th commandment.

Here are some pictures of our classroom (big thanks to my sister, Kristi Krohn; as well as my teacher helper, Kristi Bailey!!):

Our backdrop
(Outlined, then colored with chalk)

Walking into our Laboratory

Books on the walls and our "Lab Coats" hanging
up by the table

Most of the Laboratory

Our Bookshelf and "window"

Our Memory Verse puzzle (that took me awhile;
but the kids love it, so it's worth it!)

Our Rules of the Lab, puzzle and commandment

Tomorrow is the last day of VBS and it has been a blast teaching!! The last 2 years I was a teacher assistant, so it was great to be able to be the teacher this year (with Kristi Bailey as my assistant!)!!

On another note, I'm almost done with our Birthmom profile/scrapbook. I will post it as soon as it's done!!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. It is sounds like you had a great week at VBS! Our church is having 1 next week called Operation Overboard. I can't wait to see your profile book-I bet it will be great! I still can't figure out how to make our adoption blog better-computers and I don't blend-lol. Blessings,
